who we are

Our vision is to be Christlike disciple in every nation.

CCM exists to win people to the Lord and disciple them so that they will become missionaries to every place and nation where their careers or business bring them. They will share the gospel to their family, community, school, workplace and marketplace.

Our mission is to win souls and make Christlike disciples.

CCM will consistently and continuously engage in leading people to the Lord and will use its resources to train and develop every believer to become disciple-makers.

Our goal is to make every believer a Christlike disciple maker

CCM will always accept and believe that everyone who makes Jesus as Lord and Savior is a potential disciple-maker. As we train them,  correct understanding and application of the Word will make them reproduce the character of Christ first in themselves and later in the people that God put under their care.

Our purpose is to love God by loving people.

The people of CCM strongly believes that we cannot love God and hate our brothers. How we treat the people around us proves our love for the Lord.

Our strategy: Discipleship group focused on intentionally equipping believers to become disciple-maker.

CCM organizes the people that God adds to her in small groups that work together to support members to become Christlike disciple-makers

Our process:
Belong, Believe, Become

CCM welcomes any person regardless of race, creed, social status, etc. Once these people feel that they are welcome and accepted as they are, their relationship with people in small groups and in the church will lead them to believe in Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. When they surrender their life to the Lord, they will become like Him through the discipleship process that the church develop and continuously upgrade.